Learn To Take Care Of Your Skin, it’s important.
Your skin is the largest organ in your body. That’s reason enough to take care of it, but skin also acts as a protective barrier for all the stuff inside our bodies. It helps regulate our body temperature by producing sweat and protects us from microbial infections. The skin also contains nerve endings that help provide sensory information about the world around us.
People face many skin problems every day, but fortunately for us, there is usually some form of treatment to keep skin healthy and happy. I’m here today to share my skin knowledge with you to take care of your skin too!
Here is the skincare knowledge that you need to know.
The skin has the acid mantle, which protects it from infection and other problems, but moisturizing helps to replace some of the essential lipids lost over time. Without moisturizing, skin can quickly become dry and sensitive.
Normal skin: Normal skin doesn’t need to be moisturized too often because it is relatively well-conditioned and stays hydrated reasonably well on its own. However, a good moisturizer will help without leaving skin greasy or oily if the skin feels tight.
Oily skin: To control oily skin, use an astringent lotion after cleansing to eliminate excess sebum. If you have very oily skin, it might also be helpful to use powder on your T-zone to reduce oil production.

Dry skin: Even normal skin should moisturize at least once a day because the skin loses moisture throughout the day and does not restore it by itself. Dry skin types should moisturize 2-3 times a day to keep skin hydrated throughout the day and prevent problems like dermatitis.
Sensitive skin types might want to avoid astringents, toners, and other skincare products that could irritate the skin. Also, try to avoid skincare product ingredients like fragrances, coloring agents, and other skin-irritating substances.
Sun protection
The skin provides a very important function in the body: it protects us from the sun, skin cancer, and skin damage aside. UV exposure can cause skin damage and skin cancer, which is why it’s super important to apply sunscreen every day.
The skin has a Sun Protection Factor, which helps determine how resistant skin is to sun damage. It goes from SPF 4-50+, where higher numbers mean skin won’t burn as easily.
Remember that skin type can be a factor in determining skin sun resistance. Oily skin types are more resistant to the sun since skin surface lipids are an additional sunscreen, while dry skin types will burn easily. Also, skin becomes more sensitive to the sun as we age (all skin becomes increasingly sensitive with age).
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